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Teddy Bears Introduce Hemp Fabrics for Healthcare

EnviroTextiles Partners with Bears for Humanity on Organic Teddy Bear Campaign

A teddy bear with the words can a teddy bear change the world

Glenwood Springs, CO (PRWEB) February 09, 2015

EnviroTextiles is introducing antibacterial hemp fabrics into the children’s plush toy market thanks to a new partnership with a humanitarian teddy bear company, Bears for Humanity. The plush bears are intended for children in need, including many children living in isolated hospital environments.

EnviroTextiles founder Barbara Filippone has provided certified agricultural fibers for the apparel industry over the past 23 years. Now that she’s working with Bears for Humanity and its President Vijay Prathap, she’s launching a new healthcare market for her certified organic hemp textiles to supply various products including lab coats, privacy curtains, sheets, towels and patient gowns.

Early testing indicates that the anti-static materials developed for Bears for Humanity’s teddy bears are safe for sensitive hospital environments like CT scan rooms and prevent the spread of bacteria and other known bio hazards. Allowing children to carry their teddy bears with them into testing will provide better experiences for the children. The teddy bears could lead to using organic hemp blended fabrics for garments and many other materials in healthcare applications. “Hemp’s natural antibacterial qualities make this a natural fit,” says Filippone.

“Vijay came into my life at exactly the right moment,” Filippone explains. “Just when scared children need warm and furry hugs to boost their spirits – and just when the U.S. healthcare market needs safer products – these little bears are going to change everything.”

Bears for Humanity produces 100 percent certified organic natural fiber teddy bears. Their teddy bears are assembled in Union City, California, and for every bear sold they will donate a bear to a needy child through their highly-rated network of charitable partners such as Toys for Tots, Intel, Save the Children, and OneSimpleWish.org. Ordering information and further details about their mission can be found at http://www.BearsForHumanity.com.

EnviroTextiles, LLC is developing an initial product line of organic hemp medical supplies for wholesale customers. Hospitals and interested parties can visit https://www.envirotextile.com/hemp-medical-supplies/ to learn about joining our beta group of healthcare professionals.

Bears for Humanity trains and employees individuals through California’s welfare-to-work program, CalWorks, convinced that building a strong community is part of the solution to a sustainable future. Visit http://www.cdss.ca.gov/calworks to learn more about our partnering program to provide jobs to at-risk mothers, fathers and caregivers.

For more information about EnviroTextiles or to schedule an interview, contact Barbara Filippone at info(at)envirotextiles(dot)com or Barbara(at)EnviroTextile(dot)com, 970-945-5986.

For more information about Bears for Humanity or to schedule an interview, contact Vijay Prathap at Vijay(at)Bears4Humanity(dot)com, 312-685.8866.

Flammable fabrics imported into the US due to false labeling could be in your closet or home

The textile industry must embrace natural fibers to eliminate toxic products

PRESS RELEASE – For Immediate Release
June 19th, 2013
Glenwood Springs, CO 

A dangerous flammable fabric is being imported into the US that fails to meet basic fire standards. Testing a fabric sample with the “disposable lighter test,” a very simple test where you put a lighter’s flame to the fabric shows that this fabric fails miserably. The mystery fabric ignites like a sparkler, dripping molten chemicals that burn into the surface of anything that they drip on.

The fabric is labeled as 100% polyester, although silver-nano particles can be seen with the naked eye. Silver particles generally provide anti-microbial properties. Oddly, our test fabric was marketed as “stain resistant” instead of “anti-microbial.” 

A piece of brown striped fabric with a white background

Relating to the fire testing on the label, Barbara Filippone of EnviroTextiles stated, “These are some of the strictest fire rating tests in the hospitality and commercial application industries. They provide the customer assurance that this fabric is not flammable. I have 40 years of experience in textiles, and this is a completely false label as shown. When I held a lighter to the sample it ignited like a 4th of July sparkler, dripping molten chemical substance. Normal polyester when held to a lighter will roll back on itself and when cooled the polyester becomes quite hard like a plastic.”

The fabric’s label indicates that the following tests were performed, with commentary by Barbara Filippone:

Flame Codes:

  • NFPA 701 small scale 2004
  • UFAC Class 1
  • NFPA 260
  • Cal Tech Bulletin 117 SEC.E 

Finish – Nanotex Stain Moisture Resistant Finish: “Based on the fact that nano is smaller than a molecule and that silver was intended for anti-microbial properties, the flame tests are not accurate. The silver particles can be seen with the naked eye and are not embedded. When ignited, the silver becomes airborne. The nano terminology that was used on the labeling to describe the finishing is totally misleading.”

Content – 100% Polyester:  “The burn characteristics do not appear to be polyester. In my professional opinion this may not be polyester.”

Abrasion – Exceeds 102,000 Double Rubs:  For abrasion testing, there are two standard tests, the Martinson and the Wyzenbeek. The numbers of rub cycles for general contract upholstery are only 20,000 cycles for the Martindale and 15,000 for the Wyzenbeek, nowhere near the 100,000 mark. “If labeled correctly, the abrasion tests would indicate which test standards were used. For example, what abrasion material was used, cotton or wire? How many pounds of pressure were used?”

Cleaning Code – Washable: “Will the silver particles make it through a commercial washing? When I hand washed the sample in warm water silver particles were clearly visible in the bottom of the sink.”

A piece of paper with a lot of text on it

In the early nineties a synthetic georgette fabric was banned from import due to its high flammability. Ms. Filippone was featured on Denver 9 News burning a skirt made from the flammable fabric. That fabric was banned from the US following the flame demonstration. This footage can be found in the 1994 NBC affiliates’ archives on Channel 9 Denver News. EnviroTextiles has a copy for reference if needed.

Another case for false labeling that can be spotted in retail outlets are outdoor performance products contain CoolMax™, a moisture wicking fabric developed by DuPont in 1986. Products containing Coolmax clearly list organic cotton, spandex, and CoolMax™; however what CoolMax™ actually contains is anyone’s best guess. 

Drought conditions have created a shortage of organic and traditional cotton, and the countries which produce cotton are under social conflict making it difficult for foreign buyers to trust supply. India is currently one of few stable suppliers although the price of cotton is at all time highs. Without a stable cotton supply, the textile industry will likely continue its shift to more synthetics. We must become more conscious as consumers or we all may be wearing plastic clothing made from GMO corn in the future. Consumers should aggressively support programs for transparent labeling on all products, not just food items. The USDA’s BioPreferred program was recently created to provide consumers with product transparency for products marketed as green and sustainable. Programs like the USDA Bio Preferred program are essential to insure that our “green” products are actually what they say they are.

EnviroTextiles produced the first example of transparency labeling in 2004 when Filippone decided that since our food products show content, it makes sense to provide the same transparency for all products.

Lab Testing Reveals EnviroTextile’s Hemp Fabric Stops the Spread of Staph Bacteria

Hemp Marches Towards Military and Health Care Applications

A close up of purple bacteria under a microscope

Rampant staph infections continue to cost lives unnecessarily.  One powerful weapon to fight this scourge is being successfully deployed by China’s military: industrial hemp.  Staph is spread by direct contact and by touching items that are contaminated such as towels, sheets, privacy curtains, and clothing.  As noted by the San Francisco Chronicle, “It is estimated that each year 2 million Americans become infected during hospital stays, and at least 90,000 of them die.  MRSA (an antibiotic resistant strain of staph) is a leading cause of hospital-borne infections.”  One of the most important recent discoveries is hemp’s ability to kill surface bacteria, while cotton, polyester, and polyethylene allow it to remain on their surfaces for up to months at a time. 

Unknown to many, hemp fabrics exist in today’s market that can replace each of these transmission prone hospital items.  Technological improvements for hemp textile development began in the early 90s when EnviroTextile’s lead textile engineer, Barbara Filippone, began working with hemp in China.  To date, the company has over 100 hemp and hemp blended fabrics available to suit any traditional fabric application.  In addition to staph resistance, other tests show hemp fabrics superior resistance to UV and infrared wavelengths, providing multiple applications for military use. 

Hemp fabric was tested against two bacteria strains, Staphylococcus Aureus (staph) and Klebsiella Pneumoniae (pneumonia).  The fabric tested was a hemp blend, 60% hemp and 40% rayon.  The staph test sample was already 98.5% bacteria free during the first measurement of the testing, while the pneumonia fabric sample was 65.1% bacteria free.  These results, even prior to the tests completion, clearly display the fabrics unique capability at killing bacteria and reducing their spread.  This is especially imperative for healthcare facilities.  

For infrared testing, the same hemp blend was analyzed resulting in a test result of 0.893, or nearly 90% resistant.  Different blended fabrics have the potential to increase the percentage of this initial test, especially fabrics with a higher percentage of hemp.  Many of hemp’s applications will benefit our military, and EnviroTextile’s hemp fabrics have recently been approved by the USDA as Federally Preferred for Procurement under their BioPreferred Program.  

Thirty one states have introduced pro-hemp legislation and 19 have passed pro-hemp legislation.  The potential for military and national adoption of hemp appears to be moving forward expeditiously considering a decade’s long ban.  As science continues to “rediscover” the benefits of hemp for society, the solution is emerging from the fog of prohibition.  Hemp is no longer an ancient fiber and it is well on its way to be the future of fabric.  

EnviroTextiles is woman-owned industrial hemp and natural fiber manufacturing company with their headquarters in Glenwood Springs, CO, and is the largest manufacturer/importer of hemp and natural fiber textiles and products in the United States. EnviroTextiles proudly sells their products in the U.S. and to over 70 countries worldwide.  The company presently has their presence in the US, China, and Mexico, and focuses on natural fiber resources and economic development in regions with commodity levels of various natural fibers. 


Survival of Enterococci and Staphylococci on Hospital Fabrics and Plastic – http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC86187/

San Francisco Chronicle, “HEALTH / High staph infection rates in hospitals stun public health officials / New study reports lethal drug-resistant bacteria widespread” – http://www.sfgate.com/health/article/HEALTH-High-staph-infection-rates-in-hospitals-2554708.php

Say NO to Genetically Modified Corn Clothing

BioAgriculture's quiet campaign to incorporate GMO Corn into Apparel

Glenwood Springs, CO
May 8, 2013 

While traveling to Shanghai, Barbara Filippone, owner and founder of EnviroTextiles, ran across an odd advertisement as she passed through customs. The ad implied that corn will compete with cotton for investment, and depicted an ear of corn in a green sweater. As an advocate for natural fibers and non-GMO agriculture, Ms. Filippone began to assemble the message behind the ad. 

Corn used to produce fabric for clothing has been around for several years, with Naturework’s Ingeo fabric leading the pack; however corn fabric has still not been able to take hold in the apparel marketplace. 

Using a plant based fabric for clothing sounds like a great idea right? We grow tons of corn in the US and the resulting fabric should be “natural” we would assume. Let’s slow down here for a second. What is Ingeo and who is its creator, Cargill Dow? They must be sustainable companies focused on improving health and the environment right? Nope. Cargill doesn’t get as much press as its partner in crime, Monsanto, but their coalition to control the world’s food supply is very real. 

As GreenAmerica.org notes, “Cargill has tried to “green” its image with NatureWorks PLA, a biodegradable synthetic material that uses a corn base instead of petroleum, but Cargill does not publicize the fact that the corn used to produce NatureWorks PLA is genetically modified.” As it turns out, Natureworks and Ingeo are both part of a campaign to make Cargill look environmentally and socially responsible in an attempt to shield their true purpose, to commercialize photosynthesis. Cargill’s CEO, Gregory Page stated in 2011, “Cargill is engaged in the commercialization of photosynthesis. That is the root of what we do.” Commercialize photosynthesis? What could possibly go wrong? 

The case for corn fabrics is simple; it is not natural in any form or function. The corn itself is genetically modified corn, Monsanto’s greatest “achievement”. Once the corn is harvested, it must undergo extreme chemical processing in order to become fiber for the fabric using many of the worst chemicals known on earth! The process of making viscose (synthetic fiber) is so damaging to the environment that its production is in decline, at least as long as we can keep this “natural” corn fabric out of the apparel industry.  Corn fabric is not the only concerning development in the apparel world, but it may be the next battle to keep GMO and chemically manufactured fabrics from invading our bodies.   

EnviroTextile's Hemp Products listed with USDA Biopreferred Program

Hemp based products qualify for Federal Procurement Preference from the USDA

February 27, 2013
Glenwood Springs, CO

EnviroTextiles, LLC, a Colorado based Industrial hemp and natural fiber manufacturer, is pleased to announce that it has earned approval from the USDA BioPreferred® Program as the only Hemp products manufacturer to qualify for listing their products in the Federal Procurement Preferred category. To quote the USDA’s website: “The purpose of the USDA BioPreferred® program is to promote the increased purchase and use of biobased products. The program is expected to promote economic development, creating new jobs and providing new markets for farm commodities.”

Barbara Filippone, President of EnviroTextiles, LLC believes, “The addition of hemp to aU.S.approved government program is a historic achievement for biodiverse agriculture, and is blazing the path to legalizing the growth of industrial hemp in theUnited States. Legalization would provide our farmers with a drought resistant, pesticide-free, multi-purpose, and value-added crop. Hemp has over 25,000 uses including variations of Food, Fuel, Feed, and Fiber.”

“While critics fear that hemp will have little economic impact, the reality is clear. With investment in farming, manufacturing, and jobs training, the US could experience a large resurgence in virtually all industries – farming, manufacturing, and export to name a few. The reach of the industrial hemp industry has incredible potential, with the ability to introduce new raw materials that are already successfully used for wide ranging products across the world. Industrial hemp would open up new markets and expand existing markets while leaving a very small carbon footprint. “

“It should be noted that theUSis one of the world’s largest consumers of hemp derived products. However, we are unable to grow hemp locally and in all States until legislation currently under way is passed. The question is not if industrial hemp will have a positive impact in theU.S.- the question is will we see the opportunity to grow and develop this commodity within our own borders.“

EnviroTextiles is a woman-owned industrial hemp and natural fiber manufacturing company based in Glenwood Springs, CO, and is the largest importer of hemp textiles in the U.S. Barbara Filippone, founder and president of EnviroTextiles, has created thousands of jobs across the globe in her 37 years of developments surrounding natural fiber production. She has developed industry in India, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Mexico, South Korea, and China, with China presently providing hemp to EnviroTextiles for their products. Being a leading expert in processing and economic development, EnviroTextiles proudly sells their products in theU.S.and to over 70 countries worldwide.

EnviroTextiles presently has offices in theU.S.,China, andMexico, and focuses on natural fiber products and economic development in regions with commodity levels of various natural fibers. “Being one of the first companies to be USDA Bio-Preferred qualified and having Federal Procurement Preferred status, EnviroTextiles is leading the way for investment in bio-diversity, non-GMO farming, and job creation.”, Filippone stated.

Please also note, EnviroTextiles is excited to announce we celebrated our 12th year in business on February 15th, 2013. Thanks to all that have supported us over the years!

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Senate Bill 359 – Excluding industrial hemp from the Controlled Substances Act:


For more information on EnviroTextiles contact:

Phone: (970) 945-5986

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